Friday, August 3, 2012

The Saturday style St. Patrick’s day of 2012

The time has come (and gone, but let’s not split hairs) to pay homage to the greatest green day of the year. Since this year St. Patrick’s day fell on a Saturday, I had an opportunity to celebrate it with Paula and gang at her house. It was AWESOME, but I’m skipping ahead.

After surveying my options, I decided to wear a toned down green get-up on Friday for my campus commitments. I don’t remember much of that day (it did feel slightly off to be making a green—albeit muted—spectacle of myself a day early) or the outfit (um, I’m sure the shirt was green?) but the socks in the picture below were definitely the highlight. Those socks represent a proud new addition to my St. Paddy’s day stash, furnished by my mom in her very thoughtful package. Thanks, Mom!

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The leprechauns definitely made their presence known in the Whitmer household in a big way. A tent set up in the living room, a monkey hanging from the ceiling fan; silly leprechauns obviously had fun!

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Paula made delicious green pancakes:

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And I found a little green enthusiast protégé in Katie! I think she had fun reaching in to my green shamrock bag filled with fun St. Patrick’s day accessories. I know I did!

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It was really quite special to share my favorite holiday with my favorite [Utah] nieces and nephew!

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Well I didn’t get to go on campus or see clients in my complete green garb but Paula and I had a little public outing. We went to Walmart and then got Shamrock Shakes on the way back! Wow were those good. Mmm, I can almost taste the memory. I think that is something that I will have to add to my yearly celebration of St. Patrick’s day. (Minus next year what with it being the Sabbath and all; we’ll just have to prepare homemade versions!)


On to a closer look at the 2012 edition of my St. Patrick’s day wardrobe! Lighting has been my great challenge these past couple of years. I don’t know what it is, I just can’t seem to capture all the vibrant greens; so I try to experiment with filters and effects on Picasa afterward with varying degrees of success.  The following represent three attempts ranging from minimal to fairly significant adjustments. But I’ve had a thought: I should try outdoors next year! Couldn’t hurt. Smile


And so concludes another day of green magic. IMG_3150

Usually I take this time to lament the long year ahead before another exciting St. Paddy’s day event. But, due to my blog neglect and procrastination, it doesn’t feel like all that long before the holiday of my heart is upon us again.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

I’m bAAAAaaaack!

Well my last post was intended to tide you over “in the meantime.” I never did specify the length of said “meantime” but I am fairly certain I meant it to be quite a bit shorter than these almost four months. I am so very sorry. Not that you probably mind or even judge me (there seems to be a  widespread shortage of new blog posts among us these days), but I was looking back over some of my “older posts” as they say (they being those mysterious unknown blogspot people who created that helpful little link to your previous posts that don’t fit on the one webpage) and found that I miss it, even if only for myself. Journaling has never been a strong point for me. Allow me to amend: it was a strong point for a year and a half of my life—bet you can’t guess when (insert sarcastic “hardy har har” here)! Needless to say (not one of my better opening phrases; I obviously feel some need to say it or else what would be the point of the rest of this sentence?), though I still would like and do aim to improve my personal journal keeping, I failed to realize that this blog has been a form of that since its inception.  I am grateful for the thoughts and memories it contains and am sorry that I have not made a more concentrated effort to record the thoughts and memories of the last few months (I have had them—thoughts and memories, that is).

Alright, enough of this “it’s been so long I don’t know where to start!” stalling subtext. Did you see that’s what I was doing? If not, yay for my subtlety (well I guess it was more of an “I apologize for not posting in so long” misdirection); if so, I know, I know…I’m doing it again! And indulge me, I’m going to go right on doing just that because this does present a quandary, a dilemma I know you can all appreciate! I just opened my Picasa and I have exactly 14 folders of photos (starting with St. Patrick’s day going through cousin Amanda’s homecoming) each of which could represent a potential blog post. So do I admit my defeat and begin with the most recent and make weak (though well-intended) promises to work my way back? Now that doesn’t seem right…who knows how long we’d have to wait for St. Patrick’s day which is WAAAAAY back there.

Never fear, I have inadvertently worked myself into a solution of sorts. I’d say all this mumbo jumbo is certainly sufficient for a post of it’s own and then to solidify my return to this triedandtrueblue audience, I will immediately return for a follow up post on the much-anticipated St. Patrick’s day 2012 (or at least I will return very shortly, after I fold a load of laundry whilst watching an episode of Dr. Who, and maybe logging some hours for work…hey “shortly” is quite relative and if I get to this promised second post of the day after such a lengthy 3.75ish month hiatus, even several hours is still “shortly” though definitely not “immediately” that was my bad. Haha, oh how I have missed you all.

And upon a re-inspection of the aforementioned 14 folders, one folder is probably not post-worthy on it’s own so I leave you with some pictures: of the beautiful countryside (I’m really not being sarcastic, I think it can be quite awe-inspiring) betwixt Utah and Colorado. These photos come from our well traversed drive through Wyoming that I most recently accomplished while accompanying Michael back in April.

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Until later then!